Wellogy Principal named SCUP Fellow and begins yearlong research on the intersection between neurodiverse experience and the built environment

Wellogy proudly announces that Kathleen Kelly, MBA, AIA, LEED AP has been selected as one of SCUP’s Fellows for 2023-24. Kelly is a Principal and the Director of Strategy for Wellogy. She leads many of the firm’s prominent projects.

SCUP, the Society for College and University Planning, is the esteemed “community of higher education leaders who, through integrated planning strategies, are building a sustainable future for higher education,” according to the organization’s website. The organization has 5,200 members in 33 countries and is headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Each year, SCUP reviews the applications, credentials, and topics of interest from submitting members to choose two fellows who will conduct extensive research and contribute to SCUP’s knowledge base of integrated planning. The yearlong study is concluded with a final report and presentation of findings at SCUP’s Annual Conference. Kelly will make her presentation at the conference in July 2024.

Applicants were required to expand on their area of interest and propose methodology and deliverables to share how the outcomes of their research will inform or advance higher education planning. Kelly chose “Inclusion and Equity for the Neurodivergent Campus Community” as her topic. Her 30 years as a practicing architect and passion for creating inclusive places of well-being have led her to the interest and drive behind the research project.

“The collegiate population impacted by varying degrees of neurodivergent symptoms is pressing upwards of 30 percent. In my work, I witness firsthand how the environment impacts well-being. Space designed to recognize neurodiversity, allowing people to be apart but together, to retreat, or to socialize, is a requirement in designing for inclusion and equity for a diverse audience,” according to Kelly.

The project seeks to identify emerging trends in achieving inclusivity, investigate the neuroscience behind existing barriers, and conduct human reaction studies using virtual models through participatory design. The goal is to create evidence-based, inclusive environments that eliminate environmental obstacles for individuals with unique social needs. By understanding the physiological reactions and responses to form, shape, color, light, sound, texture, and graphics, designers can eliminate artificially stimulating spaces, reduce stress, and create truly inclusive environments.

Learn how Wellogy designed their new office focused on wellness

Our move to the mixed-use community of Bridge Park created the opportunity to design the ideal workspace for our team. Check out our new publication; it has insights into our process to reach our goals and information on the wellness elements we incorporated into our new office design.

For the love of the game: Wellogy Retreat 23

If you didn’t already know, architects are highly competitive by nature. They want to win the project, develop the best solution to challenges, negotiate unbeatable costs, beat the schedule, unite the perfect team, and create something impactful and memorable. While this is all excellent news for our clients, this highly competitive nature often requires a hard reboot and a chance to pause. Enter half-time, also known as Wellogy Retreat 23.

“As the man once said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.”

Ted Lasso

Into the locker room.

Our team recently gathered in our new Dublin, Ohio office to spark ideas, build our team, look to the future of architecture, and discuss our evolving strategy to provide the best possible experience and value for our clients. It was a retreat full of new ideas, team building, joy, and the realization that we were becoming who we set out to be a little over a year ago when we rebranded to Wellogy.

“We work daily in our business, and it’s important to also work on our business. We’ve been Wellogy for over a year now, and it was time to stop and take stock of what we’ve accomplished and prepare for what’s ahead.”

-Wellogy President and Founding Principal, Philip O. “Buck” Wince, AIA, LEED®AP

The Ted talk format for our three-day retreat featured Wellogy team members owning relevant topics and sharing their knowledge, experience, and research. Topics included AI: Architecture and the Future of Design, Sustainable Structures, Designing for the Neurodiverse, Wellogy Design Process, Healthy Building Materials, Storytelling, Teaching our Team, Visualization: Style Guide for the Design Process, WFH: Lasting Impacts, and Developing & Growing Relationships.

“We wanted to provide our team with the opportunity to showcase and present on topics they are passionate about that impact our jobs and project outcomes.”

-Wellogy Principal and CFO, Matt Canterna, AIA

The sessions provided valuable information and insight to help shape our firm as we search for and incorporate ways to build and be better together. Team building was also a vital element of the retreat. We worked in small groups to compile wellness kits for those in need, competed in a modeling charrette, and learned about our different working styles through individual Myers-Briggs assessments. Bridge Park Pins Mechanical and Fado were the backdrop for many laughs, shared stories, and memories.


-Roy Kent

Now that we have your attention…we are in our 28th year of business and into our second year of officially being Wellogy. The hope and optimism we felt when we rebranded is still ever present in our evolved culture and mission. Our passion for designing places of well-being is sparking new project possibilities and solutions for our clients. The retreat reminded us that we love the game of architecture and the opportunity to unite resources and build great teams to solve challenges. Through our listening, learning, and team building, we know that if we want to change the world through design, we must also change ourselves and how we live, work, and inhabit our spaces. Our team is ready to help you complete your next project. Wellogy on three!


How do you say Wellogy?

Davis Wince, Ltd. is now Wellogy! Our new brand reflects who we are and who we aspire to become. Wellogy has an implied meaning, “study of well” – and well has multiple meanings to us including “in good health” as in well-being or wellness, “with skill or aptitude” as in doing an activity well, and “source, origin (of water)” and the notion of ‘drawing from the source’- addressing the inspirational nature and rigor of design. How do you say Wellogy? Watch our video to learn!

Can Architecture Affect Your Health?

by Jennifer M. Bobbitt

Can architecture affect your health? We passionately believe that it can. That’s why we’re working with partners engaged in designing a better way to live. From healthcare, senior housing, higher education, and our other market segments, the goals for each partnership are the same- to enhance and improve the quality of life by creating a new standard in the way we live and interact with the built environment.

We’re on a mission to incorporate elements of Healthy Urbanism™ into every project we deliver. What is Healthy Urbanism™? It’s the integration of intentionally designed elements that helps communities thrive and prosper. No matter what the size of the project, an impact occurs when the built environment is purposely designed for wellness, creating a ripple effect that places a priority on health. The result is a wellness-centered community with the potential for improved physical health, accessibility to medical care, healthy food, activity, and social interaction.

Our projects can be as broad as a surgery center in a new community to ensure better outcomes for its residents, and designing student dining halls with a focus on healthier choices, and as specific as designing buildings with sustainable materials that incorporate walking and bike paths to promote physical activity. At the heart of Healthy Urbanism™ is the drive to reimagine health by creating communities of wellness. We hope you’ll join us on the journey as we create places of well being to enrich people’s lives.
