Wellogy proudly announces that Kathleen Kelly, MBA, AIA, LEED AP has been selected as one of SCUP’s Fellows for 2023-24. Kelly is a Principal and the Director of Strategy for Wellogy. She leads many of the firm’s prominent projects.
SCUP, the Society for College and University Planning, is the esteemed “community of higher education leaders who, through integrated planning strategies, are building a sustainable future for higher education,” according to the organization’s website. The organization has 5,200 members in 33 countries and is headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Each year, SCUP reviews the applications, credentials, and topics of interest from submitting members to choose two fellows who will conduct extensive research and contribute to SCUP’s knowledge base of integrated planning. The yearlong study is concluded with a final report and presentation of findings at SCUP’s Annual Conference. Kelly will make her presentation at the conference in July 2024.
Applicants were required to expand on their area of interest and propose methodology and deliverables to share how the outcomes of their research will inform or advance higher education planning. Kelly chose “Inclusion and Equity for the Neurodivergent Campus Community” as her topic. Her 30 years as a practicing architect and passion for creating inclusive places of well-being have led her to the interest and drive behind the research project.
“The collegiate population impacted by varying degrees of neurodivergent symptoms is pressing upwards of 30 percent. In my work, I witness firsthand how the environment impacts well-being. Space designed to recognize neurodiversity, allowing people to be apart but together, to retreat, or to socialize, is a requirement in designing for inclusion and equity for a diverse audience,” according to Kelly.
The project seeks to identify emerging trends in achieving inclusivity, investigate the neuroscience behind existing barriers, and conduct human reaction studies using virtual models through participatory design. The goal is to create evidence-based, inclusive environments that eliminate environmental obstacles for individuals with unique social needs. By understanding the physiological reactions and responses to form, shape, color, light, sound, texture, and graphics, designers can eliminate artificially stimulating spaces, reduce stress, and create truly inclusive environments.
Our move to the mixed-use community of Bridge Park created the opportunity to design the ideal workspace for our team. Check out our new publication; it has insights into our process to reach our goals and information on the wellness elements we incorporated into our new office design.
Wellogy Principal and Architect Rebecca Fox, AIA, LEED® AP, led the team to complete the Frank Stanton Veterinary Spectrum of Care Clinic at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, a project celebrating its first anniversary. Becky shares some insights on this unique hands-on learning facility and the thoughtful design elements that encourage and enhance learning and wellness.
What was the basis of the design for this facility?
Student learning is the focus of the entire facility. Frank Stanton, the primary donor for the facility, realized that a broader approach is necessary to make a difference in veterinary care. He believed in teaching the future veterinarians how to do/treat more, address the entire spectrum of care, and serve clients from all socioeconomic backgrounds. The program also includes an area for community outreach. We incorporated a garage for their outreach vehicle and secure storage for when companies donate goods, whether dog food, veterinary medicine, or other supplies.
Becky Fox, AIA, LEED® AP, Project Manager for the Frank Stanton Veterinary Spectrum of Care Clinic. Photo by Brad Feinknopf.
What were some of the challenges with designing this facility?
Wellogy was the facilitator of bringing a cohesive design with the many vital professionals involved. One of the things we do best is to bring together the best possible team for every project. We worked with BDA (Building Design for Animals) to focus on particular veterinary needs and collaborated with Bostwick Design Partnership on the exterior design. Additionally, there were civil, structural, MEP engineers, landscape architects, university stakeholders, sustainability stakeholders, FFE procurement, and CMR, among crucial players on the team. With a large project team and a global pandemic with changing market and workforce conditions, we had to lead with focus and endurance to the end goal of opening on budget and on time.
The unique way OSU approached the design of this project was to have the veterinarian (or they saw them as a coach) take a step back and allow the student to experience the responsibility and accountability of assessing the patient and their needs and coming up with a care plan in a safe zone. The coach or veterinarian would observe from an adjacent room out of sight, which is different from having the coach assist or stand beside the student.
Canine exam room. Photo by Brad Feinknopf.Coach or veterinarian observing from an adjacent room out of sight. Photo by Brad Feinknopf.
One of the biggest challenges in the design of the facility was acoustics. We needed to make sure that when the student was in the exam room with the client and patient, the veterinarian/professor in the observation room could see and hear the activity (cameras and microphones). Observation is also just as important when the student comes back into the staff/vet tech space or the observation room. Clinical staff noises must not transmit back to the animal owners to maintain privacy for sensitive matters.
What are some of the unique design concepts?
The facility includes unique exam rooms – (2) feline exam rooms on a separate HVAC system because cats can tell when dogs are around – those pheromones get around! We made feline-specific exam rooms and a dedicated waiting room for them too. There is a driving force in veterinary practice to keep animals calm during visits. It’s difficult for a vet to examine an animal if they are nervous or anxious.
There are also exam rooms specific for behavioral animals. Not all dogs are friendly to other canines, may be traumatized, or they could have an issue being around other animals, so there is a special side entrance created for any behavioral animal. Not only does this help keep the animal calm during a visit, but it also is easier on the dog owner. There is also an isolation exam room with a dedicated entry. If you have a contagious animal (for example, a puppy that has parvo), they can come through a separate entrance. That entrance leads to an isolation exam room with a special procedure room, isolation holding (with a dedicated janitor’s closet), and a unique isolation yard outside. There are also special HVAC considerations in the isolation area to maintain negative airflow. Views can be had from the treatment room into this isolation bay so that vets can keep an eye on them if they need to, and there are accommodations for both felines and canines in this area.
Feline exam room. Photo by Brad Feinknopf.
Views were a significant consideration in the design of the facility. Students have their Learning Conference Room immediately adjacent to the Treatment Room. If a veterinarian needs any additional assistance or wants to show them something unique as a learning opportunity, they are close and can see who is available. Likewise, it allows the student to do any research or study when there is downtime between patients. From the Treatment Room, which is the hub of the facility, students and staff can see into the Isolation Ward, the Feline Ward, the Student LCR, the Dental Suite, the Recovery Room, and Induction. Dr. Fingland, Executive Associate Dean and Professor Executive Director, and Chief Medical officer for the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, came up with the surgery window view for students. The window into the surgery suite is just off one of the secure access-only entrances for staff, students, and faculty. It looks into the surgery suite without being close-up- what better way to be excited about what they are learning!
Viewing window into the surgery suite.Surgery suite with student observation window, top left. Photo by Brad Feinknopf.
Wellogy teamed with Bostwick Design Partnership to develop the active learning classrooms. This extensive classroom is an innovative way of teaching that embraces an interactive learning approach, which is different from sitting in front of a lectern and lecturing to students in chairs. By dividing the groups into individual sections (groupings of 8), each has a monitor and whiteboard, groups can be interactive, and teachers can move between groups.
Interactive learning classroom. Photo by Brad Feinknopf.
The design and construction were a team collaboration to realize OSU’s (and Frank Stanton Foundation’s) vision. BDA (Building Design for Animals) played a vital role in our team’s success with their knowledge of over 1,000 completed projects in animal care.
Wellogy partnered with the Adena Corporation to bring new life to the former Lazarus department store in the Richland Mall. The major renovation from retail to healthcare provides a new maternity unit for the growing Avita Ontario Health System in the Mansfield, Ohio area.
Wellogy Senior Living Project Manager Scott Flickinger recently led the team to complete Azure of Palm Coast Senior Living. Located minutes from Florida beaches and in a thriving community, Scott shares some insights on what it takes to design senior housing in a hurricane area while considering all the needs and well-being of the residents.
What do you wish everyone knew about designing a Senior Living Project?
Designing a Senior Living facility requires immense planning and execution of the smallest details to provide safety and comfort for its residents. Every design decision must come from the user’s perspective first, every detail matters. Providing flush floor transitions to eliminate trips & falls, providing rounded corners to reduce scrapes and bruises, and providing frequent places to stop and relax is essential in providing safety for senior residents. As a designer, you must fully immerse yourself and make design decisions from the end users’ perspective. The health and well-being of the residents are a vital component in every design decision.
What are some of the thoughtful design elements included in this environment for seniors?
•The design includes a safe outdoor courtyard for the use memory care community, giving delicate residents a safe environment to enjoy the beautiful Florida weather.
•Common area patios were essential as part of the design to allow residents to play, relax and connect with the entire community.
•Seniors can enjoy a game of bocce ball on the custom bocce court, enjoy a scenic walk around the nature preserve, connect over a game in the activity room, watch the big game at the sky bar, or get the blood flowing at the indoor gym.
•Large expansive windows are a key feature throughout the design to connect and view the outdoors.
What were some of the challenges of this project?
Designing a facility near the beach can be challenging, especially in Florida with its severe weather. The design of the building protects all its residents in a hurricane event using impact doors & windows and a concrete and steel structure.
Building Facts:
•# of units: 112 Total; 31 Memory Care & 81 Assisted Living
Many companies are adopting a hybrid work model for the future. This change in work environments has and will continue to influence the way people use their homes. Our homes are not only places where we live but also office spaces, places to exercise, and places to play. Including the following healthy design ideas in your home can improve your overall well-being, both mentally and physically.
Biophilia – Biophilia is popular in interior design to connect people with nature. Studies also show biophilia supports productivity, physical health, and psychological well-being. Utilizing windows for natural daylight and open airflow is one way to incorporate biophilia. Using calming colors and natural materials can help improve mental well-being. Another simple way to add biophilic elements to your home can be to add indoor plants, which can help improve the air you breathe.
Home Gym – Physical activity contributes significantly to our physical health, mental health, and psychological well-being. Movement and getting our blood flowing can help stimulate our brains and gives us a clear mind. A home gym also helps eliminate the excuse of not having time to get to the gym; it’s a win-win!
Office Space Separate from Living Space – With more people working remotely post-COVID, it’s essential to separate our workspace and living area. Designating a work area can be accomplished by creating a nook, a completely closed-off room, or even outside of the house like a coffee shop. Having a separate space makes it much easier for us to remove ourselves from work when the day is over, which will improve our well-being and quality of life.
Outdoor Living Space –This can be especially nice if you don’t have a lot of square footage in your home. Having a nice outdoor seating area can encourage us to gather outside and enjoy the fresh air and could even double as an office space! Including a garden in your outdoor living space can enable you to source your food or ingredients for homemade meals.
Healthy/Sustainable Materials – These could include any materials that are locally sourced, durable, and long-lasting. Reclaimed or recycled materials like wood or metal are also good options to have in your home. Also, low or zero VOC paint can help to improve the quality of air that we breathe.
Incorporating these elements into your homes is a great start to bring a sense of wellness into the places we live. All of these elements can be designed into new homes and can also be added to existing homes. Take some time to consider how you can start implementing these ideas to improve your quality of life!
Contact Danielle King, IIDA, NCIDQ, LEED GA @dking@wellogydesign.com to share your products or insights on healthier design materials.
The guiding principle of our work is to “create places of well-being to enrich people’s lives.” Driven by this ideal, our trademarked concept, Healthy Urbanism™, is integrating intentionally designed elements that help communities thrive and prosper. We promote the healthy outcomes of communities by working with partners engaged in designing a better way to live.
Wellogy (formerly Davis Wince, Ltd.) has been working with healthy home concepts for several years. We’ve partnered with home builders, manufacturers of home materials, and town planners to design a template for incorporating wellness into the home. Senior planners, designers, and seasoned veterans in their fields with knowledge and experience have all contributed to our mission to design healthier homes in pursuit of overall improved health and wellness. The year of COVID shook up the game and made us dig deeper for solutions and possibilities as we move into a new world with more remote working, learning, and enhanced safety protocols. The need for an efficient, safe, and “well” home has never been more apparent. We have broadened our thinking and our search for solutions by tapping into additional resources and innovations.
The 2020 pause in design and construction allowed us to engage with new voices and explore ways to contribute beyond immediate project needs. We took two varied approaches to explore healthy homes opportunities further, and both yielded interesting, marketable results. The top three ideas that rose to the surface in our discovery and exploration are:
Invest in healthy materials and sustainable options to impact wellness
Design flexible living spaces to adapt to changing needs of the home
Include accessible design to allow residents to age in place
We reached these conclusions through two concentrated efforts. The first approach was an internal design charrette, including our entire Wellogy team. The project addressed the need to incorporate the elements of Healthy Urbanism™ into a small town in Central Florida. The goal was to improve the services in the area so residents could have everything they needed within a 15- minute walking distance of their home, thus creating Healthy Urbanism™. The community was also in need of housing that would serve the current population and support new growth.
Our firm divided into teams and met regularly for six weeks as we researched, designed, and modified our concepts. We analyzed trends and challenges and brainstormed the ideal collection of homes for this area based on market needs. The final designs included:
A Flexible Single-Family Home
An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Communal Housing
A Small Cottage
Senior Housing
We focused on creating pocket neighborhoods and providing options like age-in-place and ADU’s to co-locate support. The designs are flexible, inviting, and incorporated into the community, allowing residents to easily engage with needs, services, and entertainment and not rely heavily on transportation.
The second approach involved engaging with 25 University of Cincinnati Visual Innovation Studio (VIS) students. Working with the University of Cincinnati and the VIS class led by Associate Professor Aaron Bradley, we created a project overview for the design exercise. The VIS project challenged the group of students to explore two primary questions. First, how can healthy home environments improve their inhabitants’ social, health, and economic, mental well-being? And second, how does the design of a healthy home fit into and enhance the Healthy Urbanism™ formula? We provided architects and planners a team to support the students by responding to their questions and providing additional information.
According to Bradley, “This is a new program we created in response to COVID and the fact that students wouldn’t be able to have traditional co-op experiences, and many companies had innovation challenges that would benefit from students’ perspectives.” Bradley is an Associate Professor of Creative, Culture, and Social Impact Initiatives in UC’s Division of Experience-Based Learning and Career Education.
The 25 students presented the final presentation deck via a Zoom meeting to display their findings to Wellogy associates. Teams were encouraged to incorporate digital prototypes, images of physical prototypes, data visualizations, and interactive elements when possible and relevant (3D/SLA printed models, mockups, etc.). Compiling research from articles, interviews, and existing research data, they determined four key features of a Healthy Home- adaptable space, water quality/ access, maximized lighting, and air environment.
The students created consumer profiles and explored the option of designing spaces where people could age in place. “Something that I found very intriguing was the thought of aging with the home. I have moved around a lot so thinking about living somewhere long term never has crossed my mind. I do think it is important to think about though and how the home can adapt with the homeowner to be accessible/user friendly,” according to Chloe Pi, University of Cincinnati Industrial Design student, Class of 2024.
According to Gary Gray, Wellogy architect, and Healthy Homes innovator, the students were thoughtful and thorough in their designs. They even took the extra step to code graphics to provide a visual aide showing before to after images of age in place transformation for critical rooms in a home. Gray is a long-time designer and developer of homes throughout the United States and has worked for several large home builders. Click the photo to see the before and after
Both exploration exercises yielded similar expectations for future healthy homes with flexibility, age in place, and homes incorporated into a walkable community. Wellogy continues to evolve their healthy home design concepts and create solutions for designing communities focused on wellness. Our challenge now is to expand the consumer’s knowledge and benefit of the healthy home, influence the market away from urban sprawl and look to the future full of innovative ideas to improve our quality of life.
The Visual Innovation Studio (VIS) project challenged a group of 25 University of Cincinnati students to explore two primary questions. First, how can a healthy home environment improve its inhabitants’ social, health, and economic, mental well-being? And second, how does the design of a healthy home fit into and enhance the Healthy Urbanism™ formula? Wellogy (formerly Davis Wince, Ltd.) provided architects and planners to support the students by responding to their questions and providing additional information.
“I learned a lot about the design process through this project. Aaron Bradley, our faculty advisor, taught us to ‘fall in love with the problem’ before we even started forming solutions. By doing so, we could fully understand what needed to be addressed and had something to fall back on when revising the project,” according to Natalie Kunes, University of Cincinnati Urban Planning student.
University of Cincinnati Associate Professor Aaron Bradley teaches the popular innovation class and is well known to his students for challenging their thinking and pushing them outside their comfort zone of ideas.
“I’m constantly surprised at the effort it takes to get them (students) to push past the ‘safe’ answers at early stages of an innovation project. I think that by the time they get to university, they’ve had years and years of very linear approaches to education and a lot of classroom situations where there’s ultimately only one “right” answer that the test or the teacher has set up. Creative problem solving implies that there are multiple ‘right’ ways to solve a problem. Over the years, I’ve come to expect this, so I build in a lot of early work in this area at the start of every new project with students. As they get more comfortable with the idea that it’s OK (in fact, it’s encouraged) to push past boundaries and propose bold ideas, the creative process always gets a lot more fun, and the results are more impactful,” Bradley said.
The students were divided into teams, each consisting of multiple disciplines, and started their research and exploration. Each week, Wellogy staff interacted with the students numerous times to help ensure the project moved forward and involved complete information and mentorship.
“This virtual class setting, although not conventional, was the perfect think tank for possibilities. The past year has taught us to listen, learn and be open to new ideas and opportunities,” according to Kathy Kelly, Wellogy architect and Director of Strategy. Kelly was actively involved with the students every week as they researched and looked for ideas.
Chloe Pi, University of Cincinnati Industrial Design student, Class of 2024, said the research and design phase also sparked new ideas for her.
“I learned a lot about the research phase within the design process. I learned that topics unrelated to the prompt you have been given can be helpful and that it does not have to directly relate to the subject matter. It can be something as simple as understanding more about human behavior,” Pi said.
At the end of the five weeks, the students compiled their research findings and insights and packaged their graphics into a well-orchestrated presentation. Wellogy architect Gary Gray was impressed with the level of detail to which the students explored the healthy home idea.
“From materials like copper handles to reduce the transmission of bacteria and adjustable height bathroom counters and cooktops, the students addressed the adaptations for a healthier home and aging in place options,” Gray said.
Wellogy architects Gray and Kelly agreed; they learned a lot from their experience as mentors and found the information the students created very inspiring and innovative. The designs have sparked new conversations and ideas both in architecture and for aspiring students.
“There are things that have influenced what I envision my future home(s) to be like. I can incorporate small things into a current residence or bigger things like the kind of materials I use. But on a broader scale, how can I be more conscious of how my home functions with surrounding homes and communities,” Kunes said.
Bradley noted that this class was different due to COVID-19 related restrictions put on students this semester.
“Bringing us a challenge that has the potential for real impact was paramount. All too often students are given a very constrained problem set to work with, and the output is very tactical (redline a set of plans, design a logo, etc.). It was great to work on a challenge that asks larger questions of human behaviors and human futures,” according to Bradley.
Wellogy is excited to introduce our first new building with The Ohio State University. The Frank Stanton Veterinary Spectrum of Care Clinic enhances the learning experience for the College of Veterinary Medicine students by providing a unique hands-on environment modeled after a small general practice. This new, innovative facility was made possible by a generous contribution from the Stanton Foundation. Dr. Frank Stanton was a former president of CBS and an avid dog lover.
Wellogy is the Architect of Record and worked with Bostwick Design Partnership as the Design Architect. Other team members include: